Laythe, B., Finkel, D., Bringle, R., & Kirkpatrick, L. A. (2002).
Religious fundamentalism as a predictor of prejudice: A two-component model.
for the Scientific Study of Religion, 41, 623-635.
The present study aims to determine whether the empirical relationship
between religious fundamentalism and prejudice can be accounted for in
terms of the mutually opposing effects of Christian orthodoxy and right-wing
authoritarianism using multiple regression. Three separate samples (total
n = 320) completed measures of religious fundamentalism, right-wing authoritarianism,
Christian orthodoxy, ethnic prejudice, and homosexual prejudice. Consistent
with previous research, fundamentalism (a) was essentially unrelated to
ethnic prejudice when considered alone; (b) was positively related to ethnic
prejudice when orthodoxy was statistically controlled; and (c) was negatively
related to ethnic prejudice when authoritarianism was statistically controlled.
Finally, when both authoritarianism and orthodoxy were controlled simultaneously,
fundamentalism was again unrelated to prejudice, whereas orthodoxy was
negatively related and authoritarianism positively related. In contrast,
fundamentalism was a significant positive predictor of prejudice against
gays and lesbians irrespective of whether authoritarianism and/or orthodoxy
were statistically controlled.