Kirkpatrick, L. A., Waugh, C. E., Valencia, A., & Webster, G.
D. (2002). The functional domain-specificity of self-esteem and the differential
prediction of aggression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
82, 756-767.
Based on an evolutionary theory of self-esteem (SE), we hypothesized that
the SE-aggression relationship differs across functionally distinct domains
of SE and across contexts. In two experiments, participants had the opportunity
to aggress against the evaluator of an essay they had written. In Study
1, self-perceived superiority was positively related to aggression, whereas
social inclusion was inversely related to aggression. In Study 2, in which
the context was altered to simulate a mating competition, only a measure
of self-perceived mate value emerged as a (positive) predictor of aggression.
Global SE failed to contribute to the prediction of aggression in either
experiment. Statistically controlling for narcissism did not eliminate
either set of findings. Implications for the conceptualization and measurement
of self-esteem and narcissism are discussed. |